Wednesday, February 23, 2011

The Anti-Christ Proven to be Jesus' Brother

Jesus’ brother as the Anti-Christ:
The Last days

In identifying the Anti-Christ, most individuals miss the opportunity to explore what the Ancient Egyptians wrote concerning this endeavor. For it is here, and only here, where we can successfully identify the so-called “Anti-Christ”.

The Ancient Egyptians had a god of chaos, confusion, storms, hot wind, the desert and foreign lands known as “Set” who was the contender to the throne of Osiris when he left the earth after being assassinated by jealous members of his own family in the Last Days. It should be known that this rival of the Egyptian Jesus, known as Horus against Set that at certain times Set would act as a companion to the Sun God Ra/Re.

Set was known as the God of Evil, a poison held by my Father’s brother-in-law also. He was my uncle, appropriately known as “Sandy”.

Set was also known as a Typhon, aka as a hippopotamus, the Pig as well as the Donkey, all of which were abhorred by the Ancient Egyptians. These animals were sacred to Set as well as other animals such as crocodiles, scorpions, turtles and other evil or dangerous creatures.

It should be noted here that he was Jesus’ half-brother. As Set’s mother use to exclaim to my brother in my presence, “Don’t call him brother, call him your half-brother. This is a big difference. The name Set carries with it in the alphanumeric table of English, a 12.26.1956 with a 9.5 time zone ratio, added by the number ‘20’ for the letter “T” as 19 + 5 = 24 + 20 = “44”.

Set was also known as Setekh, Sut, Sutekh, Suty.

Fish were also sacred to Set too, the Nile Carp, the Oxyrynchus or the Phagrus fish because they were thought to have eaten the phallus of Osiris after Set chopped him into pieces. Giraffes were also sacred to Set.

He was known to have white skin and red hair, known as Gingerism, his mother’s name however, was nicked-named “Ginger” whose father was a Shriner Mason who do not appreciate Muslims, having a sword above the Islamic Star and Cresent.

The Desert is known for its destructive heat and chaos.

Set himself is infertile. The hieroglyph for Set shows “turmoil, confusion, illness storm and rage. See, The Pyramid Texts, spell #356.

It is reported that Horus tore off Set’s testicles while Set tore out Horus’ left eye. Set’s favorite food is lettuce which protrudes a white milky substance similar to sperm and is regarded by some as an aphrodisiac .
Set is also bisexual and sexually assaults Horus. My half-brother was involved in a Mossad game play in which cancer cells were injected inside my body in order to cut off my reproductive system, as well as causing me death, but do to Thoth and my mother Isis, the poisoned was left of no effect.

Set was allegedly equal to the Hawk-God, - Horus the Elder whereas Set is the God of Darkness.

When linked with Horus they are known as “Horus-Set”, - a man with two heads, one of Horus and the other one of a Set animal with a forked tail. Set is an open enemy of Isis’ son.

Set was unsymbolized in Lower Egypt and his name erased and his statues destroyed. He is defeated by Horus.

The basic story of Horus and Set is “Good over Evil”.

Set’s brother was Horus. Set has 72 accomplices.

Set’s wife is known as “Nephthys”.

The Sun God Ra drives Set away from the “Boat of a Million Years.

Set lives in the Northern Sky by the constellation of the “Great Bear. The north symbolizes darkness, cold and death. His wife Taweret, the Hippo Goddess of child-birth kept him chained. Set has bad-luck with women. As with Taweret, Nephthys’ followed Osiris while the Goddess Neith sided with Set.

Set, as his dual role as my Uncle Sandy was extremely jealous of Osiris due to me as being Anubis and the fact that Osiris was to be ruler of Egypt.

Set’s property doubles because of his wife Neith. Anat and Taweret never bore Set any children although they were fertility Goddesses.

This battle of Horus and Set was the personification of “Light vs Darkness”.

Horus and Set are also brothers as mentioned earlier,which have an inheritance dispute (as Horus the Younger).

Set/Horus and the “Siege of Perilous”

In Arthurian Legend, a seat at King Arthur’s Round Table was kept for the Knight destined to find “The Holy Grail”, and fatal for any other occupant.

The term Siege Perilous is a 16 + 9 = 25 where one finds the date 12.26.1956 with a 5/9 time of zone ratio.
My half-brother and his mother (my step-mother) have stolen my fathers’ inheritance which had been given to me. They now own the house and very rarely allow me entrance saying that My Father left no will, but such is not the case, as I am also my Father’s first and only begotten son.

The phrase “half-brother” is a 12.26.1956 with a 5/9 time ratio, totaling 23/14.

The phrase “Anti-Christos” is Latin, when we add up the alphanumeric for this phrase. The term Christos gives us a 12.26.1956 with a 9/5 time ratio all of which in “Christos” totals a 130 reduced to a “13”.

When we add the number of the word “Anti” as a “44” to the name “Christos” we come away with my opposite, which is an alphanumeric “65”, the number for the word “white”, which means the absence of color to which Moses struck the entire congregation of the Jews. When written out as “sixty-five” we also locate the reduced number of “44”.

The phrase “Holy Grail” is reduced to a ‘6’ for Holy and a ‘29’ for “Grail”. This is the bloodline of Jesus. The number is a ‘29 + 6 = 35’. The number of ‘35’ stands for the alphanumeric of the name “Eric”, then we have a 12.26.1956. The number for “Holy” being a “6” plus the number “2” as reduced in the word “Grail” gives us an 6 + 2 = 8, for an 8.6.2 as my full name reduced into single digits, being Eric Robert Powell.

My father’s full name was Robert ORIS Powell, the name Oris being Egyptian for a name of the Sun God. The name is pronounced “ORUS”, therefore after his assassination, my name changed to HORUS. While he was alive, my secret name was “Ejus” which is the root form of the name “Jesus”.

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