Wednesday, February 23, 2011

The King of the Jews Identified; 2011

King of the Jews

This phrase is a 12.26.1956 with a 9/5 time of birth ratio, and is a 126 + 15 = 141 which is a reduced “105”.

The European Jews unuttered and mostly never written name for God is “Yod-Hei-Vav-Hei” (YHVH) and shortened to “Yod-Hei” (Yah).

The alphanumeric for “Yod-Hei” is a 12.26.1956 with a 5/9 time zone ratio being birth-time as 5AM (EST) and 9AM (GMT).

The name totals an alphanumeric 39, reduced to a 21, both of which total “60”. This combination is written as 39/21/60, and here we have 12.26.1956 with a 5/9 time of birth ratio.

The full name in which the consonants “YHVH” are used (Yod-Hei-Vav-Hei), totals a “79” for Amen Hotep when reduced.

The total name (Yod-Hei-Vav-Hei) has four 12.26.1956, 5/9 scenarios.

In addition, the number 15, which would ordinarily be written in Hebrew as “Yod-Hei” (10-5), is normally written as “Teit-Vav” (9-6), because “Yod-Hei” is the Hebrew name for God.

The numbers “96” are reduced to a “15” for a 1956.

So “Yod-Hei” is an alphanumeric 105. This is his value as God.

The name “Eric Robert Powell” (my own) is an alphanumeric “35” for the name “Eric”. Three times five is a “105”. The name “Robert” is reduced to a “105” as well. The name Powell is an “83” whereas 8 x 3 = 24, which is also written as a “114” reduced to a “105”.

I AM Yod-Hei times three, or three times Yod-Hei, as also rendered as “Yah”. Yah also is a 25 + 9 = 34, where one finds the time of birth in the Last Days being 12.26.1956 with a 5/9 time ratio. We also find a 23/14, or “Re” and his date of birth being 12.26.1956 reduced to a 3.8.3 = 14. The name Yah three times is a 777. The consonants “YHVH” total an 18 reduced for the 18th Dynasty of Amen Hotep.
The States which owe me these funds are primarily are the State of Israel, or all Israelis, known as the Ashkenazis, as well as the Sephardim Spanish Jews, most of whom pretend to be Christians but are not and follow the Jewish Rite, as well as the United States of America, which is run by the Jewish people.

Three times “105” total a “315” trillion, as the word “trillion” is an alphanumeric “10”. Therefore 315 trillion dollars for My People, the Children of Ishmael, which alphanumerically total a “125” for the God “El” plus the number “315” totals an “18”, signified with the initials of Amen Hotep (the Architect), being rendered as “ELAH”.
The average heart rate is 12.5 beats per second, and it has been said, “Allah is closer to you than your life’s vein.

The 315 trillion dollars will be used to finance the 33rd Dynasty of Amen Hotep, and the “Religion of Amen”, which also totals a “125”, and is a 12.26.1956 with a 9/5 time of birth scenario.

My People, feel no remorse or regret.

 10 “Yet the Israelites will be like the sand on the seashore, which cannot be measured or counted. In the place where it was said to them, ‘You are not my people,’ they will be called ‘children of the living God.’ 11 The people of Judah and the people of Israel will come together; they will appoint one leader and will come up out of the land, for great will be the day of Jezreel.[c]   - Hosea 1:10-11

The name “Jezreel” is twice a 12.26.1956 as well as both a 9/5 as well as a 5/9 time of birth ratio.

The name “Megiddo” is reduced to a 6 + 15 = 21 for a 12.26.1956 with a 9/5 time zone ratio.

The name “Armageddon” is actually spelled “Megiddo” and the Valley of Jezreel. The word “Armageddon” combines the God Ra with that of the Egyptian Goddess Ma’at, with the name “Megiddo”. You also see here the name of the City of On, in Ancient Egypt.

Mabus Identified and Defined for 2011

The name “Mabus” has never been properly interpreted, until now.

The letters "Ma", pronounced "Mah", stand for the Ancient Egyptian Goddess of Virtue, Justice and Love named "Ma'at" and her seven principles.

The letters "Ab" is the Ancient Egyptian name for "the heart". These two letters, when reversed, spell the Egyptian word for the soul, meaning the "Ba".

The letters "Sa" is the Egyptian word for the "fluid of life".

The three letters "Bus" come from the Ancient Egyptian City of Busiris, where the Elohim, or the Gods, made a decision to create “man”. In the name Busiris we find the name "Iris", the original first name of Amen Hotep, (named after the flower “iris”) as well as the constellation of Sirius.

The European Jews even mock their own God named “Yod-Hei” although they were forbidden to verbally mention his name, which also belongs to Mabus, ever since they have been giving the world a ride “on a bus”. The word “On” is a name and not a thing. It stands for the Ancient Egyptian City of On, also known as Heliopolis and Cairo.

Using the alphanumeric table in English, we can decipher the date of birth of Mabus as well as the numeric equivalent of his name.

Adding the number attributed to each letter of the alphabet we have for the name Mabus, the following table:

13 + 1 = 14 + 2 = 16 + 21 = 37 + 19 = 56

This is equated as follows; the number 13 stands for the 13th Sign of the Zodiac, being Rasalhague, plus “1” equals a “14” which stands for the number “401”, or the 401 years in which the American Blacks have been oppressed in the United States as of the year 2010 (slavery began in 1609, which is reduced to a “97”, for the Return of Amen Hotep, the name itself being an alphanumeric ‘97’ reduced to a “25/16”).

Next we have the number “421”. Although the number of years leading up to the Christ is given biblically as 4,000 years, plus the year 2010, - where the year 2,000 would represent 6,000 years since Adam, and therefore the beginning of Doomsday, as biblically Adam was created on the sixth day and one day earth time represents 1,000 years to the Gods (a time zone differential), since God is known as “The Tenth”, he appears to begin the last days (the Judgment) in the year 2010. The four-thousand years plus a ‘21’ for the year 2010 is reduced to a “421”. However, the European Jews were cursed white (the absence of color) in the year 526BC by Moses, whose real name was Ahmose II, or Ahmose-Ankh.

The actual number “421” stands for the 4,000 Jews who alleviated themselves from the World Trade Center disaster by “Odigo” Messaging System, and the Israeli Mossad, the time frame being the year 2001, hence forth the number ‘421’.

The individuals responsible were the 4,000 already mentioned, plus “the 400 Club” of Billionaires listed by Forbes Magazine for 2001.

Also involved were the so-called members of the Committee of 300 as well as the 52 members of the World Jewish Congress, as Dick Cheney and others wished an illegal oil pipe-line through Afghanistan whereas the Taliban had forbidden the allotment to the Americans. This is one of the actual reasons why Cheney needs Iran, as the Caspian oil pipeline cannot proceed without going through Iran (it is presently illegal to  invest any more than 20 million in Iran due to sanctions).

Next we have the number “126” which is “666” reduced as the biblical “number of a man”.

The “number of a man” is basically the home address of the European Jews as we in the 18th Dynasty of Amen Hotep walled up the European Jews in the Caucasus Mountains, the circumference being “666 miles”, which they later over-ran as it was only temporary.
Now we know who the beast is because they shall soon be eating their children again, and the children, - them. They worship the God “Sobek”, the crocodile god. And show “crocodile tears”.

The number “126” also represents the return of God as a Capricorn, just as Jesus is a Capricorn, and the biblical Goat of the Apocalypse. The “apocalypse” being a alphanumeric “97”, the alphanumeric in the name “Amen Hotep”.

The number here for God is a ‘12’, and therefore the God of the sixth day of creation who need only make his presence once. Therefore a ‘126’ = 18th Dynasty of Amen Hotep I and his second and last appearance.

The name HOTEP means “The Architect”, for that is his name as “IMHOTEP”, short for the biblical “I AM” -  HOTEP” . Hotep is an alphanumeric 37/10 as these are our next numbers.

Next we have the year of Mabus’ birth as 1956, complete with the exact date being 12.26.1956 with a 9/5 time of birth ratio, being 9AM (EST) and 5AM (GMT), born in Yonkers, New York, USA, 10701 (an ‘18’).

We also have, within the name Mabus, the number “97” and a “526”(BC), when Amen Hotep II left Egypt, the number equating the “Spirit of ’76, and the Emancipation of the American Blacks as “The Children of Ishmael”.

Next we have the full name in the alphanumeric table of the individual named as “Mabus” being a 26.15.56 for the first, middle and last name respectively (or reduced as a ‘17’, reduced to an “8”, and then a “6” and a “2”), the entire full name as just shown above being totaling a “97”.

The two totals in the name Mabus are a ‘56’, and then in reduction a ‘29’
The first three numbers equate the year 526BC, plus “9”, signifying a 25/1956 which gives us a 12.26.1956.


Eric Robert Powell; born 12.26.1956, 9AM (EST)/5AM (GMT).
Birthplace: Yonkers, New York, USA, 10701.

The Anti-Christ Proven to be Jesus' Brother

Jesus’ brother as the Anti-Christ:
The Last days

In identifying the Anti-Christ, most individuals miss the opportunity to explore what the Ancient Egyptians wrote concerning this endeavor. For it is here, and only here, where we can successfully identify the so-called “Anti-Christ”.

The Ancient Egyptians had a god of chaos, confusion, storms, hot wind, the desert and foreign lands known as “Set” who was the contender to the throne of Osiris when he left the earth after being assassinated by jealous members of his own family in the Last Days. It should be known that this rival of the Egyptian Jesus, known as Horus against Set that at certain times Set would act as a companion to the Sun God Ra/Re.

Set was known as the God of Evil, a poison held by my Father’s brother-in-law also. He was my uncle, appropriately known as “Sandy”.

Set was also known as a Typhon, aka as a hippopotamus, the Pig as well as the Donkey, all of which were abhorred by the Ancient Egyptians. These animals were sacred to Set as well as other animals such as crocodiles, scorpions, turtles and other evil or dangerous creatures.

It should be noted here that he was Jesus’ half-brother. As Set’s mother use to exclaim to my brother in my presence, “Don’t call him brother, call him your half-brother. This is a big difference. The name Set carries with it in the alphanumeric table of English, a 12.26.1956 with a 9.5 time zone ratio, added by the number ‘20’ for the letter “T” as 19 + 5 = 24 + 20 = “44”.

Set was also known as Setekh, Sut, Sutekh, Suty.

Fish were also sacred to Set too, the Nile Carp, the Oxyrynchus or the Phagrus fish because they were thought to have eaten the phallus of Osiris after Set chopped him into pieces. Giraffes were also sacred to Set.

He was known to have white skin and red hair, known as Gingerism, his mother’s name however, was nicked-named “Ginger” whose father was a Shriner Mason who do not appreciate Muslims, having a sword above the Islamic Star and Cresent.

The Desert is known for its destructive heat and chaos.

Set himself is infertile. The hieroglyph for Set shows “turmoil, confusion, illness storm and rage. See, The Pyramid Texts, spell #356.

It is reported that Horus tore off Set’s testicles while Set tore out Horus’ left eye. Set’s favorite food is lettuce which protrudes a white milky substance similar to sperm and is regarded by some as an aphrodisiac .
Set is also bisexual and sexually assaults Horus. My half-brother was involved in a Mossad game play in which cancer cells were injected inside my body in order to cut off my reproductive system, as well as causing me death, but do to Thoth and my mother Isis, the poisoned was left of no effect.

Set was allegedly equal to the Hawk-God, - Horus the Elder whereas Set is the God of Darkness.

When linked with Horus they are known as “Horus-Set”, - a man with two heads, one of Horus and the other one of a Set animal with a forked tail. Set is an open enemy of Isis’ son.

Set was unsymbolized in Lower Egypt and his name erased and his statues destroyed. He is defeated by Horus.

The basic story of Horus and Set is “Good over Evil”.

Set’s brother was Horus. Set has 72 accomplices.

Set’s wife is known as “Nephthys”.

The Sun God Ra drives Set away from the “Boat of a Million Years.

Set lives in the Northern Sky by the constellation of the “Great Bear. The north symbolizes darkness, cold and death. His wife Taweret, the Hippo Goddess of child-birth kept him chained. Set has bad-luck with women. As with Taweret, Nephthys’ followed Osiris while the Goddess Neith sided with Set.

Set, as his dual role as my Uncle Sandy was extremely jealous of Osiris due to me as being Anubis and the fact that Osiris was to be ruler of Egypt.

Set’s property doubles because of his wife Neith. Anat and Taweret never bore Set any children although they were fertility Goddesses.

This battle of Horus and Set was the personification of “Light vs Darkness”.

Horus and Set are also brothers as mentioned earlier,which have an inheritance dispute (as Horus the Younger).

Set/Horus and the “Siege of Perilous”

In Arthurian Legend, a seat at King Arthur’s Round Table was kept for the Knight destined to find “The Holy Grail”, and fatal for any other occupant.

The term Siege Perilous is a 16 + 9 = 25 where one finds the date 12.26.1956 with a 5/9 time of zone ratio.
My half-brother and his mother (my step-mother) have stolen my fathers’ inheritance which had been given to me. They now own the house and very rarely allow me entrance saying that My Father left no will, but such is not the case, as I am also my Father’s first and only begotten son.

The phrase “half-brother” is a 12.26.1956 with a 5/9 time ratio, totaling 23/14.

The phrase “Anti-Christos” is Latin, when we add up the alphanumeric for this phrase. The term Christos gives us a 12.26.1956 with a 9/5 time ratio all of which in “Christos” totals a 130 reduced to a “13”.

When we add the number of the word “Anti” as a “44” to the name “Christos” we come away with my opposite, which is an alphanumeric “65”, the number for the word “white”, which means the absence of color to which Moses struck the entire congregation of the Jews. When written out as “sixty-five” we also locate the reduced number of “44”.

The phrase “Holy Grail” is reduced to a ‘6’ for Holy and a ‘29’ for “Grail”. This is the bloodline of Jesus. The number is a ‘29 + 6 = 35’. The number of ‘35’ stands for the alphanumeric of the name “Eric”, then we have a 12.26.1956. The number for “Holy” being a “6” plus the number “2” as reduced in the word “Grail” gives us an 6 + 2 = 8, for an 8.6.2 as my full name reduced into single digits, being Eric Robert Powell.

My father’s full name was Robert ORIS Powell, the name Oris being Egyptian for a name of the Sun God. The name is pronounced “ORUS”, therefore after his assassination, my name changed to HORUS. While he was alive, my secret name was “Ejus” which is the root form of the name “Jesus”.